Thursday, April 26, 2012

Group 7 'Occupy Wall Street' Response

I think the most important issue here is the distribution of wealth.  The rich become richer and the poor become poorer and this is an issue that shouldn't be ignored.  The fact that republicans want to cut taxes for the wealthy and increase taxes for the middle class makes absolutely NO sense.  Who in their right mind would support this?  I think the wealthy need to get taxed because they have the resources to pay.  Give the lower and middle classes opportunities for learning, earning and becoming educated.  Instead of state budget cuts on public education, the government need to stop funneling money into the pockets of wall street millionaires. 

I think the participation of celebrities does nothing to bridge the gap between the statistical numbers.  Celebrities seek publicity and what's better than showing support for what your fans care about?  Because it might bring more public and governmental attention to the issue, I don't necessarily stand against it.


  1. I completely agree that the most important issue is the distribution of wealth. There is no reason that someone who lives a wealthy lifestyle should have to pay less than someone who has almost no money. The wage gap in America is outrageous. The wealthy are thriving off of all the things that are being taken away from the middle and lower class. They continue to pay more, to receive less. The government without a doubt needs to stop throwing money at wallstreet millionaires. As for celebrity support, I find it to be pointless in a situation like this. They really aren't changing the outcome, and honestly they aren't in a position to understand how the middle and lower class are living. They may have at one point, but I don't think that justifies their current state. I think it is just for publicity, because they arent offering any solutions or real help to the problem.

  2. The issue that is most important is finding equality for all classes, and especially for the middle and lower class that are struggling. There should be equal distribution among everyone and the wealthy should not be overlooked. The wealthy are comfortable because they are making money while everyone is struggling to make ends meet. The 99% should be able to take action for change. A celebrity participating does nothing to change the outcome of bridging the gap because celebrities have their image and publicity to uphold. Most celebrities want to be role models to their fans to bring in more income. A celebrity has nothing to worry about because they are considered the 1% of the wealthy. The terms bridging the gap between 99% ,which are the middle and lower class, and 1% which includes the wealthy means making incomes fair and equal for everyone in our society.
